Thursday 17 July 2008


Greetings fellow BLOGGERS ^_^ !
Let me fill you in on my Latest Academic Excursion ! I went to London again and this time the weather was great ! We had a new tour guide with us who was named Reg :) He was very convincing and nice! He took us to TOWER HILL !!!!! This is a memorial that keeps the memory of the brave Merchant Navy that managed to bring goods to the hungry people in London. We also had the chance to learn and see where people used to be execurted outside The Tower Of London , ahaaaaa n_n yes on Tower Hill people had their heads CHOPPED right off :X (rather disgusting).
After that we went to see the statue of a brave and also pretty curious fellow -> Samuel Pepys :) During the Great Fire in 1666 he walked in the fire and wrote everything down in his Diary....Do you think thats brave? He also walked around the
plagued streets of London and watched the people as they die infront of him...and yes he also wrote it down in his Diary ! What I found most intaresting is that he buerried his most prized possession in the back of his house....Can you guess what that was ? Well at first I thought that it was his Diary....but noooo it turned out to be a BIG CHEESE WHEEL ....yeah cheese....I guess he was a cheese fanatic :D :D :D
After that Reg tooks to see two very famous churches!!! We saw St. Olavs Church als knwon as Ghastly Grim (it was named like that by Charles Dickens becouse of the skulls) And after that we saw St. Dunston on the East! (it was destroyed during the second World War)
After that we went on a big battle ship !!!!!! HMS BELFEST WAS THE COOLSET PART OF THE TRIP :X !!!!!

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